I couldn't save him
Hard as I tried
Not from pain
or despair
or fear
I couldn't save him
Hard as I tried
From a heart
that couldn't pump
or lungs
that couldn't breathe
I couldn't save him
Hard as I tried
From childhood pain
broken relationships
and shattered dreams
I couldn't save him
Hard as I tried
From my own fear
and frantic attempts to control
I couldn't him
I couldn't save him at all.
God could save him
But didn't save his life
Not his first heart
or his second
not his body
or his breath
God could save him
And He did
In a deeper
more lasting way
God saved him
from himself
From small living
and shatter-able dreams
God saved him
from living for
and status
God saved him
not from suffering
No, he saved him
through suffering
God saved him
as only God could
and when it was time
He brought him Home.